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We are a computational biology laboratory in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, and the Department of Statistics at the University of British Columbia. We usually work in BC Cancer Research Centre, or some places where we can open a terminal.

We love high-dimensional, large-volume biological data. If you give us data, we would love to understand the mechanisms of the data-generating process. If you give us a cool hypothesis, we will be excited to test the causality using data. We also love pretty scientific figures with a healthy dose of obsession.

Yongjin P. Park, PhD

Office: 4.108 BC Cancer Research Centre, 675 W 10th Ave, Vancouver, BC V5Z 1L3, Canada

Phone: +1-604-675-8252 (ext8252)

email: yongjin[dot]park[at]ubc[dot]ca / ypark[at]bccrc[dot]ca / ypp[at]stat[dot]ubc[dot]ca